Friday, August 26, 2011

Steve Jobs Quitting as CEO, Is it the end of Innovation... ??

Today most of us came to know about the apple story about steve jobs leaving the post of the CEO due to bad health conditions. It might not have come as a shock since it was expected due to his health conditions, but the question now remains is there anyway the move would impact Apple after he is gone.

Steve Jobs can be regarded as the true geek, or a Leader with the quality to make change in the industry. A change so powerful enough which make the consumers think about the way they were living, and revolutionized the digital age with products like the iPad, iPod, iPhone, Macintosh OS and many others. Never has a achievement in the books of steve jobs been easy looking into the history of the organization which started as a illegal Blue boxes used to make free long-distance calls to now a world leader of phones, music devices, laptops and entertainment with style.

A quote which i was reading in one of the websites today stated, something which Jobs had told -- "I was worth over $1 million when I was 23," Jobs would later say in a video inter- view, "and over $10 million when I was 24 and over $100 million when I was 25. And it wasn't that important because I never did it for the money."

This was the statement given by steve jobs when the company went public in 1980 releasing an IPO which made Steve Jobs a millionaire even faster than Ford Motor Company.

The life of this man was not easy in anyway soon after the release of the Macintosh, Steve had a conflict with the company due to which he was sent out from the Company he had founded. But he did not give up, the later startup NeXT which contributed a lot in the coming years especially when it came to the design of the iPod and iTunes. in 1986 Steve Jobs purchased the computer graphics division of Lucasflim for $10 million and founded the Company today known as PIXAR, and the rest is history as to how the graphic storytelling and movies changed with the release of ToyStory, Finding Nemo and others. Steve Jobs proved that the ideas he had, had the capacity to change the industry and his ideas were not just though of but a lot of effort was given to it to revolutionize the view of business.

"When these films take four years to make and they last for 60 or 100 years, you start to develop a longer focal length point of view than just the next six months," Jobs said on the Charlie Rose show in 1996. And when the company Pixar went public the biggest IPO of the year beating Netscape in 1995. Jobs became a billionaire.

Steve Jobs was then re-called in Apple given the power he deserved and then the rest is history, which today's generation calls the i's of the industry. (iPad, iPod and the iPhone).
In Jan 2007 when the iPhone was released it was the first of its kind because for the first time a handset was selling the carrier. (ATnT) and later on iPhone turned into the profit engine which starting running Apple Computers Inc. which after the release of the iPhone got named as Apple Inc. as we know today as the consumer powerhouse.

The idea of apple having retain exclusive outlets for their own products was criticized by the industry experts but Steve proved them wrong when the Retail outlets of apple became a huge success and gained profits which were not expected or predicted by anyone.

Today after this legacy of the legend, his resignation from the post of CEO not only questions the future of apple but also the innovation and quality of products its known for.

Apple is lined up for the new model of iPhone in the end September and the new iPad sometime in next year, these are the last remains of the legacy the man has left behind, the later progress of the company has yet to be seen.

As Steve Jobs said “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

He has successfully to his word created the 5 dents in the universe Apple II, Macintosh, iPod, iPhone and the iPad.
A thumbs up to the living legend and the world class innovator who will always be admired for the contribution he has given to the industry and the motivation of the new ideas, with the motto of nothing is impossible and the industry can be changed the way you want it, just that the idea should be strong enough to drive the industry and not be driven by the industry.

This summary is written in dedication of the Man whom i admire for his "Real Geek" attitude and strong business sense to foresee the market and understand the consumer minds by making them have a need for new innovative products.

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